The Power of Edge Networking: Cloudbrink FAST Edges and Automated Moving Target Defense


The rise of edge computing has revolutionized the way we think about network architecture and data processing. The goal of network edge computing is to bring computational power closer to the source of data, reducing latency, optimizing performance, and enabling innovative applications.

Automated Moving Target Defense (AMTD) is a cybersecurity strategy that continuously changes the attack surface of a system, making it difficult for attackers to target vulnerabilities. Implementing AMTD requires a high-performance and adaptive infrastructure, which is made possible through edge networking. Gartner describes AMTD as “an emerging game-changing technology for improving cyber defense.”
Cloudbrink, a leading provider of advanced cybersecurity solutions, has harnessed the power of edge networking to help implement Automated Moving Target Defense (AMTD). In this blog, we explore how edge networking empowers Cloudbrink to dynamically build and tear down points of presence (PoPs), constantly change data paths, and rotate certificates hourly to strengthen AMTD and fortify defenses against attackers.

Cloudbrink FAST Edges: Enabling Automated Moving Target Defense:
Cloudbrink's FAST Edges embrace the principles of flexibility, autonomy, intelligence, and temporal relevance to deliver automated moving target defense. Let's explore how Cloudbrink achieves this:

  1. Flexible: Cloudbrink's FAST Edges are designed to adapt to dynamic network environments. By dynamically allocating computational resources at the edge, Cloudbrink ensures optimal performance and responsiveness while being agile in scaling resources based on demand. This flexibility allows for efficient resource utilization and enables rapid deployment of security measures.
  2. Autonomous: Cloudbrink's FAST Edges are empowered with autonomous capabilities, allowing them to make real-time decisions and respond without human intervention. By leveraging machine learning algorithms and advanced analytics, the FAST Edges can detect anomalies and initiate actions automatically. This autonomous approach ensures timely response and reduces the risk of human error.
  3. Smart: Cloudbrink's FAST Edges are intelligent, and equipped with sophisticated algorithms and deep learning models. They continuously learn from network traffic patterns, system behavior, and other environmental data. This intelligence enables the FAST Edges to dynamically adapt, keeping up with ever-changing network conditions.
  4. Temporal: The FAST edges are only active for as long as the user is connected. This constant creation and destruction of the edges make it significantly harder to attack than the fixed PoP architecture of other VPN, ZTNA and SDP vendors.

The Power of Automated Moving Target Defense:
Cloudbrink's implementation of AMTD, facilitated by edge networking, provides organizations with a robust defense against cyber threats. By constantly changing attack surfaces, data paths, and certificates, Cloudbrink confounds attackers and reduces the window of vulnerability. The key benefits of Cloudbrink's AMTD approach include:

  1. Frustrating Attackers: Cloudbrink's constantly shifting infrastructure makes it incredibly challenging for attackers to identify and exploit vulnerabilities. The ever-changing attack surfaces and data paths add layers of complexity that hinder attackers' progress, discouraging their persistence and reducing successful intrusion attempts.
  2. Enhanced Data Security: With hourly certificate rotation, Cloudbrink mitigates the impact of stolen credentials. By rendering compromised certificates useless in a matter of hours, Cloudbrink ensures that unauthorized access attempts are thwarted, protecting sensitive data and maintaining data integrity.
  3. Proactive Defense: AMTD, driven by edge networking, allows Cloudbrink to take a proactive approach to cybersecurity. Rather than merely reacting to threats, Cloudbrink's dynamic infrastructure creates a constantly evolving defense mechanism that anticipates and mitigates potential risks before they materialize. When integrated with other cybersecurity offerings, certificate changes, and FAST edge rotation (along with the data paths) can be triggered by external threat data.

Edge networking has revolutionized network architecture, enabling organizations to implement advanced security strategies such as Cloudbrink's Automated Moving Target Defense (AMTD). By leveraging dynamic PoPs, changing data paths, and hourly certificate rotation, Cloudbrink frustrates attackers, fortifies data security, and takes a proactive stance against cyber threats. With Cloudbrink's innovative AMTD approach powered by edge networking, organizations can confidently defend their networks and data against evolving cyber threats.


Make the shift from legacy VPNs and ZTNA 2.0 to Cloudbrink's high-performance ZTNA today, and unlock a new level of secure, efficient, and future-proof connectivity.
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  • See the ESG group’s technical validation by clicking here.
  • Read how a Fortune 100 company moved from VPN, ZTNA, and SDP to Cloudbrink after testing all these solutions.

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